Our book is finished! Our book is published! It's finally time to bring this out into the world.
What is Uncover Your Recovery though? Does it have you thinking about the idea of 'recovery'? Like addiction or other forms of medicators that you might be using? Does that word seem energetically heavy?
How about we change that narrative.
Everyone of us is recovering from something. Our book is an invitation to be curious about that very idea. We all are recovering, from life, childhood hurts, unhealthy patterns, breakups, death, disease, etc. There is always something to be looking at with curiosity. There is always something to investigate with our senses, our mind, our hearts.
Some might say, "I'm not in recovery", totally get that. Getting honest with yourself though, aren't there things in your heart, mind and body that seem to circle back around, minute to minute, daily, monthly etc? What if we change the word or idea of recovery to the thought that---I need some support, I'm overwhelmed, I can't seem to stop my head from racing, I keep repeating the same behavior thinking it will change. You get the idea. This is uncovering your recovery and uncovering your healing. We need to actually Uncover the WHY of all of the pattern repetition, move back into rhythm.
Why? Well...because. Because if we don't get curious, we don't become aware. If we aren't aware our capacity for change or redirection is limited. Without curiosity we can become limited in our beliefs, our attitudes, our world view, our perceptions of life and so on. Curiosity is the keystone to awareness and to healing.
In our book, Uncover Your Recover ~ Uncover Your Healing we use tools, techniques and stories to invite you to discover your WHY. We offer permission slips at the end of each chapter so you can give yourself the freedom and space to change what might not be working for you anymore. This book invites the reader to participate at a level of their comfort, to use the questions and keys to curiosity, to uncovering what's inside you that needs recovery, that needs healing.
Each person comes into this world unique. Our unique code of our individuality, yet we are all humans at the same time. What separates us from each other is the unique stories of our lives, the joys, the missteps, the hurts, the sadness, the amazing episodes that shape us into our unique beings. What makes us the same is our need for connection, community and unconditional loving support from others. When these very basic human needs are not met, for whatever our stories have been, we can become overwhelmed in trying to 'fix' that for ourselves. Our very human biology wants us to be safe and to feel good. Sometimes to the detriment of ourselves, what feels good in the moment, has the potential for more disconnection later.
In Uncover Your Recovery ~ Uncover Your Healing, we invite you into self-inquiry, self-discovery. Looking at yourself labels, family labels, societal labels, cultural labels and uncovering what truly is yours to own. Giving permission to create your own unique blueprint for your healing journey, not one that is 'correct' or 'as seen on TV'. What works for some, gives others stress and disappointment. Creating your own unique toolbox of healing with the things that work for you.
Let's start to change the idea of what 'recovery' means in the world. Let's label it with something positive, instead of the societal view of 'what's wrong with you', how about 'what happened to you', because it happens to everyone of us. Not one person gets out of this life unscathed by loss, sadness, grief, disappointments, hurts, anger, frustrations, death, and sickness to name a few. We are all recovering from something. Some are perhaps bigger challenges than others. Your approach to your healing of these challenges is what matters most. Without appropriate emotional responses to these challenges, we can become stuck and stagnate, no balance, no rhythm.
Healing starts with you. Healing starts with you taking action and personal responsibility for your healing.
The new year of 2025 is your invitation to take the steps to a deeper, more personal reflection of what you really need and don't need in your life. A time for doing your mirror work, looking at yourself deeply and finding the joy of you and the other things that need attending. Looking at yourself in the mirror, physically and emotionally, and getting to know yourself through the lens of you, your unique amazing song of you written into the stars. Let your voice be heard this year, you matter.
Be in the Now. What is the Now of Now?
It's that place of pause
Where you stop - pause
and take a breath and just
be in the moment of now.
Now of now is what we have
Now right this second
Stop - pause - breathe
that's the now.
When we stop - pause and breath
we can take notice with our
eyes, ears, nose, touch, all our senses.
Just one full breath of inhale and
exhale can make the difference.
Practice being in the now of now
It's all there really is.
Uncover Your Recovery ~ Uncover Your Healing is a place to start your healing journey or to reaffirm and remind you of what you already know. It's filled with insight, support, compassion and love. Inviting you into the best most amazing version of your amazing self.
Much peace and love, Ann
Author's note: In 2025 there will be offerings for everyone using the book as a tool. Looking forward to connecting with you in the community.
To Purchase Uncover Your Recovery ~ Uncover Your Healing click here ➢ https://www.cardinalwaywellness.com/uncover-your-recovery